The school year is creeping up again!


I’m starting to see signs that school is just around the corner everywhere I go! They are on my newsfeed, in my inbox, and on the shelves. I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year. As a teacher, I start to get excited to get back in the classroom and start setting things up for the new year. I also start to realize that I only have a few more weeks of vacation left! As a mom, I am excited to send the youngest off to his first year of Kindergarten, but anxious about the transition from summer to school. They are both still really excited about going back to school and this year, and more excited because we will all be in the same place.

I recently found a job at New Frontiers Charter School. I will be teaching middle school Special Education, but the school is Kindergarten through 8th grade so the kids will be able attend. That was definitely a happy accident! It takes some of the edge off of trying to get the kids to their school and me to mine on time. (I had no idea how that was supposed to work!) It’s on thing to get around in a town of 300,000 people. It’s an entirely different thing to get around in a city the size of San Antonio where you can count on a minimum of a twenty minute commute pretty much anywhere you go.

One of the biggest hurdles I have to overcome every year (and I know I’m not alone) is getting back into the routine of school and work. Our bedtimes have been slowly slipping farther and farther away from their regularly scheduled times. The kids (and I) have gotten used to waking up whenever our bodies tell us that they have had enough rest. We enjoy our mornings. I write and the kids play. We eat lunch when everybody gets hungry. In the afternoons, we hang out at the pool. It’s a pretty laid-back pace. The ying to the yang of the intensely busy school year. I know that I need to start preparing, both mentally and physically for the upcoming shift, but I’m not quite ready yet. I know it will happen soon enough, but for now I’m just going to enjoy the calm for a little bit longer.

How do you begin the transition from summer to school? Is it a gradual shift or do you just jump in head first? I would love to hear about it!

2 thoughts on “The school year is creeping up again!

  1. You’re not kidding. Back to School messages are everywhere! I guess marketers have nothing else to talk to us about since 4th of July is over. LOL. It makes me kind of crazy because I feel like my kids and I are finally easing into our wonderful summer routine. These messages make me stress out!

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